Supporting or Contributing to M-Lab

M-Lab welcomes the participation of individuals and researchers, as well as companies, organizations, and other institutions, that would like to help expand the platform and ensure its growth and success.


For individuals, the best way to support M-Lab is to regularly use our tests. You gain the benefit of understanding more about your connection to the Internet, and the research community and the public benefits from the resulting public data.


M-Lab welcomes researchers who want to dig into the M-Lab data, providing documentation and best-effort email support. If you are interested in working with M-Lab data in your research, please review our data documentation to help get you started, and contact us with any questions. We also suggest that you join our public mailing list for news and announcements.

Researchers developing and maintaining open source network measurement tests may apply to host a new test on M-Lab. If your project fits within M-Lab’s guidelines and principles, we invite you to apply for M-Lab hosting.

Please review the documents below before applying:

Companies, Organizations and Other Institutions

By becoming M-Lab supporting partners, companies, nonprofit organizations, and academic and other institutions can help M-Lab in a number of key ways. See the sections below for more information.

If you’d like to get involved as an M-Lab supporting partner, contact the M-Lab team and join the public mailing list.

Providing Resources for New M-Lab Measurement Points

M-Lab supporting partners may contribute or donate resources to provide new measurement points around the world. If you are interested in helping M-Lab expand our coverage to new areas, please submit this application. The document How to Deploy a New M-Lab Site outlines the resources needed for each M-Lab Measurement Point.

Providing Resources for Data Hosting, Aggregation, and Publication

As an M-Lab partner, many facets of the M-Lab platform can be supported based on your organization’s interests, capacities, or resources. If your organization is interested in supporting the M-Lab platform, please contact the M-Lab team to get started.

Analyze and Visualize the M-Lab Data

If you have experience in web or application development, data analysis, or visualization, you may be interested in working with M-Lab’s tests, data, and analysis tools, all of which are open source and openly licensed.

Embedding an M-Lab Client Test in an Application or Service

M-Lab’s open source tests can be added to your website, mobile application, or other software, providing a service to your users and allowing M-Lab to reach more people and generate more data. Find out more information in our FAQ article: How can I add an M-Lab test to my website, mobile app, or other software?. You can also review our data documentation or contact us to learn more.

Provide Direct Financial Support

M-Lab welcomes the direct financial contributions of organizations that find our work beneficial. If your organization is interested in supporting the M-Lab platform, please contact us, and a member of the M-Lab team will get back to you.

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